Wednesday, March 14, 2012


            Odd name for a blog? Well, this is what you’ll find in the artist column if you find my work. This name is actually my Xbox live name, I couldn’t think of anything better, so yeah it’s kind of an odd name. Right now It’s just me as a solo artist, not much I can do about that right now due to high school, but someday I’m hoping I can get my friends to join me in my quest to blow the musical genius out of the heads of everyone who listens to me. What I’m trying to do with my music is to incorporate electronic music with alternative rock and ambient music to get a feel of the story I’m trying to tell in my work. I was heavily influenced by Coheed and Cambria for my direction among other artists like Daft Punk, Job for a Cowboy, Pink Floyd, and many others, however, Coheed and Cambria are my all-time biggest influence. After hearing their music for the first time I was completely awestruck by the vocals and the tone of their music, so I did some research and found their music being linked to a graphic novel series known as the Amory Wars. I had never thought of a book or comic being the whole focus on an album, so after thinking about it, I thought why not try it out on my own stories. So I immediately started writing and came down to an idea for a sci-fi universe of my own. I wanted a story that would be compelling toward a number of audiences, especially teens. Basically what I have come up with involves real life scenarios like lost love, rape, war, and suicide attempt. This novels mood was influenced heavily on The Broken by Coheed and Cambria (no surprise there) and ended up being the name of the novel series as well. As of now the novel is still in its early stages of writing, but come time for spring break, I’ll have plenty of time to work on it. The idea for the story is all completed; I just need to actually write it. At best the book should be done by the end of this year I hope, but I will be posting the progress of the book as it comes along. The cool thing is that this is just the first novel in the series, the other novels will come soon, and albums will be coming with those too. Anyway, not only will you get updates on the novel, but you’ll also get short stories posted on the site along with mp3s for them. Bear in mind that these stories are all related to the same universe as in the novel series. Check from time to time and I’m sure I’ll have some new story or song or even both up from time to time. Hope you guys enjoy it and spread the word if you do.

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